Although the youth that CSSG work with come from a variety of backgrounds, they follow a similar pattern once they reach CSSG. Below are three individual stories, but in order to provide general context we’ve provided a general description of how CSSG identifies, places, and monitors placements.

In order to find and reach participants, CSSG works with local charities like Rainbow Homes who work with children until they turn, approximately, 18. Following this, the young adults are met by CSSG at their homes (they live at our partner charities) where an informal chat will take place to seek out young men and women interested in full time employment in the creative sectors. The young adults chosen, then get an briefing by CSSG and their own charity to help prepare for their upcoming interview with a prospect employer in the field of their choice.

Meanwhile, CSSG works to bring suitable employers on board. Overall, the charity has found that most employers are receptive to the idea of helping underprivileged youth, but some organizations, like Chez Nini, L’Opera, Sweet Nothing and Tres do an especially excellent job developing young men and women from difficult backgrounds.

The employers will conduct an interview with the young men and women interested in a placement and if satisfied offer a placement to the candidates. Once the participants are selected they are each given a trial period which, if successfully completed, leads to a full-time job placement. Because of the complexity of this transition to an alien environment, CSSG provides two forms of additional support: regular counseling and a mentor. In order to ensure the efficacy of the placement, CSSG conducts regular site visits while the young adults are responsible for maintaining their own records and updating CSSG with their progress and any ongoing challenges.