I had the opportunity to be associated with CSSG before as a participant and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. CSSG manages to get the best people in their respective fields on one platform and ensures engagement that pushes the boundaries of creativity. I look forward to guiding CSSG towards achieving an…
Sonalee Kumar (Director, TCC)
We at TCC are proud of our association with CSSG and wholeheartedly support all its initiatives and endeavours that provide dignity, hope and self-reliance to the underprivileged in the creative sector.
Food for the soul Abbas Khan looks every inch the trainee chef in his uniform. The black-and white outfit sets off his pearly white but shy smile perfectly. No one would be able to guess that the 22-year-old has a long history of aggression, flitting from one boys’ home to…
Year Of Woman 2015 As part of our on-going initiatives this year we are focussing on women. 2015 will be the Year of Women, aiming to give young women from underprivileged backgrounds a voice. Working with young women, CSSG has that they often have no role models to inspire them…